Sottoclassi indirette conosciute |
Metodi pubblici
astratto lungo | getAllEndRelMicros () int64 all_end_rel_micros = 5; |
astratto lungo | getAllEndRelNanos () int64 all_end_rel_nanos = 16; |
astratto lungo | getAllStartMicros () int64 all_start_micros = 2; |
astratto lungo | getAllStartNanos () int64 all_start_nanos = 13; |
abstract AllocatorMemoryUsed | getMemory (indice int) repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6; |
astratto int | getMemoryCount () repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6; |
Elenco astratto< AllocatorMemoryUsed > | getMemoryList () repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6; |
abstract AllocatorMemoryUsedOrBuilder | getMemoryOrBuilder (indice int) repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6; |
Elenco astratto<? estende AllocatorMemoryUsedOrBuilder > | getMemoryOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6; |
MemoryStats astratto | getMemoryStats () .tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12; |
estratto MemoryStatsOrBuilder | getMemoryStatsOrBuilder () .tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12; |
stringa astratta | getNodeNome () TODO(tucker): Use some more compact form of node identity than the full string name. |
astratto | getNomeNomeBytes () TODO(tucker): Use some more compact form of node identity than the full string name. |
astratto lungo | getOpEndRelMicros () int64 op_end_rel_micros = 4; |
astratto lungo | getOpEndRelNanos () int64 op_end_rel_nanos = 15; |
astratto lungo | getOpStartRelMicros () int64 op_start_rel_micros = 3; |
astratto lungo | getOpStartRelNanos () int64 op_start_rel_nanos = 14; |
astratto NodeOutput | getOutput (indice int) repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7; |
astratto int | getOutputCount () repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7; |
Lista astratta <NodeOutput> | getOutputList () repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7; |
astratto NodeOutputOrBuilder | getOutputOrBuilder (indice int) repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7; |
Elenco astratto<? estende NodeOutputOrBuilder > | getOutputOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7; |
descrizione astratta dell'allocazione | getReferencedTensor (indice int) repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11; |
astratto int | getReferencedTensorCount () repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11; |
Elenco astratto< AllocationDescription > | getReferencedTensorList () repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11; |
abstract AllocationDescriptionOrBuilder | getReferencedTensorOrBuilder (indice int) repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11; |
Elenco astratto<? estende AllocationDescriptionOrBuilder > | getReferencedTensorOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11; |
astratto lungo | getScheduledMicros () int64 scheduled_micros = 9; |
astratto lungo | getScheduledNanos () int64 scheduled_nanos = 17; |
astratto int | getIDThread () uint32 thread_id = 10; |
stringa astratta | getTimelineLabel () string timeline_label = 8; |
astratto | getTimelineLabelBytes () string timeline_label = 8; |
booleano astratto | hasMemoryStats () .tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12; |
Metodi pubblici
pubblico astratto lungo getAllEndRelMicros ()
int64 all_end_rel_micros = 5;
public abstract long getAllEndRelNanos ()
int64 all_end_rel_nanos = 16;
public abstract lungo getAllStartMicros ()
int64 all_start_micros = 2;
public abstract lungo getAllStartNanos ()
int64 all_start_nanos = 13;
public abstract AllocatorMemoryUsed getMemory (indice int)
repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
public abstract int getMemoryCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
elenco astratto pubblico< AllocatorMemoryUsed > getMemoryList ()
repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
public abstract AllocatorMemoryUsedOrBuilder getMemoryOrBuilder (indice int)
repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
Elenco abstract pubblico<? estende AllocatorMemoryUsedOrBuilder > getMemoryOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
estratto pubblico MemoryStatsOrBuilder getMemoryStatsOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12;
stringa astratta pubblica getNodeName ()
TODO(tucker): Use some more compact form of node identity than the full string name. Either all processes should agree on a global id (cost_id?) for each node, or we should use a hash of the name.
string node_name = 1;
estratto pubblico getNodeNameBytes ()
TODO(tucker): Use some more compact form of node identity than the full string name. Either all processes should agree on a global id (cost_id?) for each node, or we should use a hash of the name.
string node_name = 1;
pubblico astratto lungo getOpEndRelMicros ()
int64 op_end_rel_micros = 4;
pubblico astratto lungo getOpEndRelNanos ()
int64 op_end_rel_nanos = 15;
pubblico astratto lungo getOpStartRelMicros ()
int64 op_start_rel_micros = 3;
pubblico astratto lungo getOpStartRelNanos ()
int64 op_start_rel_nanos = 14;
public abstract int getOutputCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7;
public abstract NodeOutputOrBuilder getOutputOrBuilder (indice int)
repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7;
Elenco abstract pubblico<? estende NodeOutputOrBuilder > getOutputOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7;
public abstract AllocationDescription getReferencedTensor (indice int)
repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
public abstract int getReferencedTensorCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
elenco astratto pubblico < AllocationDescription > getReferencedTensorList ()
repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
public abstract AllocationDescriptionOrBuilder getReferencedTensorOrBuilder (indice int)
repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
Elenco abstract pubblico<? estende AllocationDescriptionOrBuilder > getReferencedTensorOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
public abstract lungo getScheduledMicros ()
int64 scheduled_micros = 9;
public abstract lungo getScheduledNanos ()
int64 scheduled_nanos = 17;
public abstract int getThreadId ()
uint32 thread_id = 10;
public abstract String getTimelineLabel ()
string timeline_label = 8;
estratto pubblico getTimelineLabelBytes ()
string timeline_label = 8;
public abstract booleano hasMemoryStats ()
.tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12;