

CSRSparseMatrixComponents<T extends TType> Reads out the CSR components at batch `index`. 
CSRSparseMatrixToDense<T extends TType> Convert a (possibly batched) CSRSparseMatrix to dense. 
CSRSparseMatrixToSparseTensor<T extends TType> Converts a (possibly batched) CSRSparesMatrix to a SparseTensor. 
DenseToCSRSparseMatrix Converts a dense tensor to a (possibly batched) CSRSparseMatrix. 
SparseMatrixAdd Sparse addition of two CSR matrices, C = alpha * A + beta * B. 
SparseMatrixMatMul<T extends TType> Matrix-multiplies a sparse matrix with a dense matrix. 
SparseMatrixMatMul.Options Optional attributes for SparseMatrixMatMul  
SparseMatrixMul Element-wise multiplication of a sparse matrix with a dense tensor. 
SparseMatrixNNZ Returns the number of nonzeroes of `sparse_matrix`. 
SparseMatrixOrderingAMD Computes the Approximate Minimum Degree (AMD) ordering of `input`. 
SparseMatrixSoftmax Calculates the softmax of a CSRSparseMatrix. 
SparseMatrixSoftmaxGrad Calculates the gradient of the SparseMatrixSoftmax op. 
SparseMatrixSparseCholesky Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of `input`. 
SparseMatrixSparseMatMul Sparse-matrix-multiplies two CSR matrices `a` and `b`. 
SparseMatrixSparseMatMul.Options Optional attributes for SparseMatrixSparseMatMul  
SparseMatrixTranspose Transposes the inner (matrix) dimensions of a CSRSparseMatrix. 
SparseMatrixTranspose.Options Optional attributes for SparseMatrixTranspose  
SparseMatrixZeros Creates an all-zeros CSRSparseMatrix with shape `dense_shape`. 
SparseTensorToCSRSparseMatrix Converts a SparseTensor to a (possibly batched) CSRSparseMatrix.