AnonymousIterator | A container for an iterator resource. |
AnonymousMemoryCache | |
AnonymousMultiDeviceIterator | A container for a multi device iterator resource. |
AssertNextDataset | A transformation that asserts which transformations happen next. |
AutoShardDataset | Creates a dataset that shards the input dataset. |
AutoShardDataset.Options | Optional attributes for AutoShardDataset
BatchDataset | Creates a dataset that batches `batch_size` elements from `input_dataset`. |
BatchDataset.Options | Optional attributes for BatchDataset
BytesProducedStatsDataset | Records the bytes size of each element of `input_dataset` in a StatsAggregator. |
CacheDataset | Creates a dataset that caches elements from `input_dataset`. |
CacheDatasetV2 | |
ChooseFastestDataset | |
ConcatenateDataset | Creates a dataset that concatenates `input_dataset` with `another_dataset`. |
CSVDataset | |
CSVDatasetV2 | |
DatasetCardinality | Returns the cardinality of `input_dataset`. |
DatasetFromGraph | Creates a dataset from the given `graph_def`. |
DatasetToGraph | Returns a serialized GraphDef representing `input_dataset`. |
DatasetToGraph.Options | Optional attributes for DatasetToGraph
DatasetToSingleElement | Outputs the single element from the given dataset. |
DatasetToTfRecord | Writes the given dataset to the given file using the TFRecord format. |
DeleteIterator | A container for an iterator resource. |
DeleteMemoryCache | |
DeleteMultiDeviceIterator | A container for an iterator resource. |
DenseToSparseBatchDataset | Creates a dataset that batches input elements into a SparseTensor. |
DeserializeIterator | Converts the given variant tensor to an iterator and stores it in the given resource. |
DirectedInterleaveDataset | A substitute for `InterleaveDataset` on a fixed list of `N` datasets. |
FilterByLastComponentDataset | Creates a dataset containing elements of first component of `input_dataset` having true in the last component. |
FixedLengthRecordDataset | |
IgnoreErrorsDataset | Creates a dataset that contains the elements of `input_dataset` ignoring errors. |
IgnoreErrorsDataset.Options | Optional attributes for IgnoreErrorsDataset
InitializeTableFromDataset | |
Iterator | |
IteratorFromStringHandle | |
IteratorFromStringHandle.Options | Optional attributes for IteratorFromStringHandle
IteratorGetDevice | Returns the name of the device on which `resource` has been placed. |
IteratorGetNext | Gets the next output from the given iterator . |
IteratorGetNextAsOptional | Gets the next output from the given iterator as an Optional variant. |
IteratorGetNextSync | Gets the next output from the given iterator. |
IteratorToStringHandle | Converts the given `resource_handle` representing an iterator to a string. |
LatencyStatsDataset | Records the latency of producing `input_dataset` elements in a StatsAggregator. |
LeakyReluGrad<T extends TNumber> | Computes rectified linear gradients for a LeakyRelu operation. |
LeakyReluGrad.Options | Optional attributes for LeakyReluGrad
LMDBDataset | Creates a dataset that emits the key-value pairs in one or more LMDB files. |
MakeIterator | Makes a new iterator from the given `dataset` and stores it in `iterator`. |
MatchingFilesDataset | |
MaxIntraOpParallelismDataset | Creates a dataset that overrides the maximum intra-op parallelism. |
ModelDataset | Identity transformation that models performance. |
ModelDataset.Options | Optional attributes for ModelDataset
MultiDeviceIterator | Creates a MultiDeviceIterator resource. |
MultiDeviceIteratorFromStringHandle | Generates a MultiDeviceIterator resource from its provided string handle. |
MultiDeviceIteratorFromStringHandle.Options | Optional attributes for MultiDeviceIteratorFromStringHandle
MultiDeviceIteratorGetNextFromShard | Gets next element for the provided shard number. |
MultiDeviceIteratorInit | Initializes the multi device iterator with the given dataset. |
MultiDeviceIteratorToStringHandle | Produces a string handle for the given MultiDeviceIterator. |
NonSerializableDataset | |
OptimizeDataset | Creates a dataset by applying optimizations to `input_dataset`. |
OptimizeDataset.Options | Optional attributes for OptimizeDataset
OptimizeDatasetV2 | Creates a dataset by applying related optimizations to `input_dataset`. |
OptimizeDatasetV2.Options | Optional attributes for OptimizeDatasetV2
OptionalFromValue | Constructs an Optional variant from a tuple of tensors. |
OptionalGetValue | Returns the value stored in an Optional variant or raises an error if none exists. |
OptionalHasValue | Returns true if and only if the given Optional variant has a value. |
OptionalNone | Creates an Optional variant with no value. |
PaddedBatchDataset | Creates a dataset that batches and pads `batch_size` elements from the input. |
PaddedBatchDataset.Options | Optional attributes for PaddedBatchDataset
PrefetchDataset | Creates a dataset that asynchronously prefetches elements from `input_dataset`. |
PrefetchDataset.Options | Optional attributes for PrefetchDataset
PrivateThreadPoolDataset | Creates a dataset that uses a custom thread pool to compute `input_dataset`. |
RandomDataset | Creates a Dataset that returns pseudorandom numbers. |
RangeDataset | Creates a dataset with a range of values. |
RebatchDataset | Creates a dataset that changes the batch size. |
RebatchDataset.Options | Optional attributes for RebatchDataset
RebatchDatasetV2 | Creates a dataset that changes the batch size. |
RegisterDataset | Registers a dataset with the service. |
RepeatDataset | Creates a dataset that emits the outputs of `input_dataset` `count` times. |
SamplingDataset | Creates a dataset that takes a Bernoulli sample of the contents of another dataset. |
SerializeIterator | Converts the given `resource_handle` representing an iterator to a variant tensor. |
SerializeIterator.Options | Optional attributes for SerializeIterator
SetStatsAggregatorDataset | |
ShardDataset | Creates a `Dataset` that includes only 1/`num_shards` of this dataset. |
ShardDataset.Options | Optional attributes for ShardDataset
ShuffleAndRepeatDataset | |
ShuffleAndRepeatDataset.Options | Optional attributes for ShuffleAndRepeatDataset
ShuffleDataset | |
ShuffleDataset.Options | Optional attributes for ShuffleDataset
SkipDataset | Creates a dataset that skips `count` elements from the `input_dataset`. |
SleepDataset | |
SlidingWindowDataset | Creates a dataset that passes a sliding window over `input_dataset`. |
SparseTensorSliceDataset | Creates a dataset that splits a SparseTensor into elements row-wise. |
SqlDataset | Creates a dataset that executes a SQL query and emits rows of the result set. |
StatsAggregatorHandle | Creates a statistics manager resource. |
StatsAggregatorHandle.Options | Optional attributes for StatsAggregatorHandle
TakeDataset | Creates a dataset that contains `count` elements from the `input_dataset`. |
TensorDataset | Creates a dataset that emits `components` as a tuple of tensors once. |
TensorSliceDataset | Creates a dataset that emits each dim-0 slice of `components` once. |
TextLineDataset | Creates a dataset that emits the lines of one or more text files. |
TfRecordDataset | Creates a dataset that emits the records from one or more TFRecord files. |
ThreadPoolDataset | Creates a dataset that uses a custom thread pool to compute `input_dataset`. |
ThreadPoolHandle | Creates a dataset that uses a custom thread pool to compute `input_dataset`. |
ThreadPoolHandle.Options | Optional attributes for ThreadPoolHandle
UnbatchDataset | A dataset that splits the elements of its input into multiple elements. |
UniqueDataset | Creates a dataset that contains the unique elements of `input_dataset`. |
UnwrapDatasetVariant | |
WindowDataset | Combines (nests of) input elements into a dataset of (nests of) windows. |
WrapDatasetVariant | |
ZipDataset | Creates a dataset that zips together `input_datasets`. |