
public class LeCun

LeCun normal initializer.

Draws samples from a random distribution. * *

If the distribution is TRUNCATED_NORMAL, it draws samples from a truncated normal distribution centered on 0 with stddev = sqrt(1 / fanIn) where fanIn is the number of input units in the weight tensor.

If the distribution is UNIFORM, itraws samples from a uniform distribution within [-limit, limit], where limit = Math.sqrt(3 / fanIn) (fanIn is the number of input units in the weight tensor)


LeCun Normal:

      long seed = 1001l;
      LeCunNormal<TFloat32, TFloat32> initializer =
              new org.tensorflow.framework.initializers.LeCunNormal<>(tf,
               Distribution.TRUNCATED_NORMAL, seed);
      Operand<TFloat32> values =
              initializer.call(tf.constant(Shape.of(2,2)), TFloat32.class);

LeCun Uniform:

      long seed = 1001l;
      LeCunNormal<TFloat32, TFloat32> initializer =
              new org.tensorflow.framework.initializers.LeCunNormal<>(tf,
               Distribution.UNIFORM, seed);
      Operand<TFloat32> values =
              initializer.call(tf.constant(Shape.of(2,2)), TFloat32.class);


For a LeCunNormal equivalent initializer, use TRUNCATED_NORMAL for the distribution parameter. *

For a LeCunUniform equivalent initializer, use UNIFORM * for the distribution parameter. *

Inherited Constants

Inherited Fields

Public Constructors

LeCun(Ops tf, VarianceScaling.Distribution distribution, long seed)
Creates a LeCunNormal Initializer

Inherited Methods

Public Constructors

public LeCun (Ops tf, VarianceScaling.Distribution distribution, long seed)

Creates a LeCunNormal Initializer

tf the TensorFlow Ops
distribution The distribution type for the Glorot initializer.
seed the seed for random number generation. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype.