
public class He

He initializer.

If the distribution is TRUNCATED_NORMAL, it draws samples from a truncated normal distribution centered on 0 with stddev = sqrt(2 / fanIn) where fanIn is the number of input units in the weight tensor.

If the distribution is UNIFORM, it draws samples from a uniform distribution within [-limit, limit], where limit = sqrt(6 / fanIn) (fanIn is the number of input units in the weight tensor).


He Normal:

     long seed = 1001l;
     He<TFloat32, TFloat32> initializer =
             new org.tensorflow.framework.initializers.He<>(tf,
             Distribution.TRUNCATED_NORMAL, seed););
     Operand<TFloat32> values =
             initializer.call(tf.constant(Shape.of(2,2)), TFloat32.class);

He Uniform:

     long seed = 1001l;
     He<TFloat32, TFloat32> initializer =
             new org.tensorflow.framework.initializers.He<>(tf,
             Distribution.UNIFORM, seed););
     Operand<TFloat32> values =
             initializer.call(tf.constant(Shape.of(2,2)), TFloat32.class);


For an HeNormal equivalent initializer, use TRUNCATED_NORMAL for the distribution parameter.

For an HeUniform equivalent initializer, use UNIFORM for the distribution parameter.


double SCALE

Inherited Constants

Inherited Fields

Public Constructors

He(Ops tf, VarianceScaling.Distribution distribution, long seed)
Creates an He Initializer

Inherited Methods


public static final double SCALE

Constant Value: 2.0

Public Constructors

public He (Ops tf, VarianceScaling.Distribution distribution, long seed)

Creates an He Initializer

tf the TensorFlow Ops
distribution The distribution type for the He initializer.
seed the seed for random number generation. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype.