BoostedTreesAggregateStats | Aggregates the summary of accumulated stats for the batch. |
BoostedTreesBucketize | Bucketize each feature based on bucket boundaries. |
BoostedTreesCalculateBestFeatureSplit | Calculates gains for each feature and returns the best possible split information for the feature. |
BoostedTreesCalculateBestFeatureSplit.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesCalculateBestFeatureSplit
BoostedTreesCalculateBestFeatureSplitV2 | Calculates gains for each feature and returns the best possible split information for each node. |
BoostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature | Calculates gains for each feature and returns the best possible split information for the feature. |
BoostedTreesCenterBias | Calculates the prior from the training data (the bias) and fills in the first node with the logits' prior. |
BoostedTreesCreateEnsemble | Creates a tree ensemble model and returns a handle to it. |
BoostedTreesCreateQuantileStreamResource | Create the Resource for Quantile Streams. |
BoostedTreesCreateQuantileStreamResource.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesCreateQuantileStreamResource
BoostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble | Deserializes a serialized tree ensemble config and replaces current tree
ensemble. |
BoostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp | Creates a handle to a BoostedTreesEnsembleResource |
BoostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp
BoostedTreesExampleDebugOutputs | Debugging/model interpretability outputs for each example. |
BoostedTreesFlushQuantileSummaries | Flush the quantile summaries from each quantile stream resource. |
BoostedTreesGetEnsembleStates | Retrieves the tree ensemble resource stamp token, number of trees and growing statistics. |
BoostedTreesMakeQuantileSummaries | Makes the summary of quantiles for the batch. |
BoostedTreesMakeStatsSummary | Makes the summary of accumulated stats for the batch. |
BoostedTreesPredict | Runs multiple additive regression ensemble predictors on input instances and
computes the logits. |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceAddSummaries | Add the quantile summaries to each quantile stream resource. |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceDeserialize | Deserialize bucket boundaries and ready flag into current QuantileAccumulator. |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceFlush | Flush the summaries for a quantile stream resource. |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceFlush.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceFlush
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceGetBucketBoundaries | Generate the bucket boundaries for each feature based on accumulated summaries. |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceHandleOp | Creates a handle to a BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResource. |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceHandleOp.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceHandleOp
BoostedTreesSerializeEnsemble | Serializes the tree ensemble to a proto. |
BoostedTreesSparseAggregateStats | Aggregates the summary of accumulated stats for the batch. |
BoostedTreesSparseCalculateBestFeatureSplit | Calculates gains for each feature and returns the best possible split information for the feature. |
BoostedTreesSparseCalculateBestFeatureSplit.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesSparseCalculateBestFeatureSplit
BoostedTreesTrainingPredict | Runs multiple additive regression ensemble predictors on input instances and
computes the update to cached logits. |
BoostedTreesUpdateEnsemble | Updates the tree ensemble by either adding a layer to the last tree being grown
or by starting a new tree. |
BoostedTreesUpdateEnsembleV2 | Updates the tree ensemble by adding a layer to the last tree being grown
or by starting a new tree. |
BoostedTreesUpdateEnsembleV2.Options | Optional attributes for BoostedTreesUpdateEnsembleV2
IsBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized | Checks whether a tree ensemble has been initialized. |
IsBoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceInitialized | Checks whether a quantile stream has been initialized. |