interface publique ServerDefOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues |
Méthodes publiques
résumé ClusterDef | obtenirCluster () The cluster of which this server is a member. |
résumé ClusterDeviceFilters | getClusterDeviceFilters () Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster. |
résumé ClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder | getClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder () Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster. |
résumé ClusterDefOrBuilder | getClusterOrBuilder () The cluster of which this server is a member. |
résumé ConfigProto | getDefaultSessionConfig () The default configuration for sessions that run on this server. |
abstrait ConfigProtoOrBuilder | getDefaultSessionConfigOrBuilder () The default configuration for sessions that run on this server. |
chaîne abstraite | getJobName () The name of the job of which this server is a member. |
résumé | getJobNameBytes () The name of the job of which this server is a member. |
entier abstrait | obtenirPort () The server port. |
chaîne abstraite | getProtocole () The protocol to be used by this server. |
résumé | getProtocolBytes () The protocol to be used by this server. |
entier abstrait | getTaskIndex () The task index of this server in its job. |
booléen abstrait | aCluster () The cluster of which this server is a member. |
booléen abstrait | hasClusterDeviceFilters () Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster. |
booléen abstrait | hasDefaultSessionConfig () The default configuration for sessions that run on this server. |
Méthodes publiques
public abstrait ClusterDef getCluster ()
The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;
public abstrait ClusterDeviceFilters getClusterDeviceFilters ()
Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster. NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;
public abstrait ClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder getClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder ()
Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster. NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;
public abstrait ClusterDefOrBuilder getClusterOrBuilder ()
The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;
public abstrait ConfigProto getDefaultSessionConfig ()
The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;
public abstrait ConfigProtoOrBuilder getDefaultSessionConfigOrBuilder ()
The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;
chaîne abstraite publique getJobName ()
The name of the job of which this server is a member. NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;
résumé public getJobNameBytes ()
The name of the job of which this server is a member. NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;
public abstrait int getPort ()
The server port. If not set, then we identify the port from the job_name.
int32 port = 6;
chaîne abstraite publique getProtocol ()
The protocol to be used by this server. Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;
résumé public getProtocolBytes ()
The protocol to be used by this server. Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;
public abstrait int getTaskIndex ()
The task index of this server in its job. NOTE: The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a matching `name` and a mapping in its `tasks` field for this index.
int32 task_index = 3;
public abstrait booléen hasCluster ()
The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;
public abstrait booléen hasClusterDeviceFilters ()
Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster. NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;
public abstrait booléen hasDefaultSessionConfig ()
The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;