
Creates a dataset that fuses mapping with batching.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


Creates a dataset that applies f to the outputs of input_dataset and then batches batch_size of them.

Unlike a "MapDataset", which applies f sequentially, this dataset invokes up to batch_size * num_parallel_batches copies of f in parallel.

input_dataset A Tensor of type variant. A variant tensor representing the input dataset.
other_arguments A list of Tensor objects. A list of tensors, typically values that were captured when building a closure for f.
batch_size A Tensor of type int64. A scalar representing the number of elements to accumulate in a batch. It determines the number of concurrent invocations of f that process elements from input_dataset in parallel.
num_parallel_calls A Tensor of type int64. A scalar representing the maximum number of parallel invocations of the map_fn function. Applying the map_fn on consecutive input elements in parallel has the potential to improve input pipeline throughput.
drop_remainder A Tensor of type bool. A scalar representing whether the last batch should be dropped in case its size is smaller than desired.
f A function decorated with @Defun. A function to apply to the outputs of input_dataset.
output_types A list of tf.DTypes that has length >= 1.
output_shapes A list of shapes (each a tf.TensorShape or list of ints) that has length >= 1.
preserve_cardinality An optional bool. Defaults to False.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type variant.