
Alias for AUC(curve='PR').

Inherits From: AUC, Metric

num_thresholds (Optional) Defaults to 10000. The number of thresholds to use when discretizing the roc curve. Values must be > 1.
summation_method (Optional) Specifies the Riemann summation method used. 'interpolation' interpolates (true/false) positives but not the ratio that is precision (see Davis & Goadrich 2006 for details); 'minoring' applies left summation for increasing intervals and right summation for decreasing intervals; 'majoring' does the opposite.
name (Optional) string name of the metric instance.
thresholds (Optional) A list of floating point values to use as the thresholds for discretizing the curve. If set, the num_thresholds parameter is ignored. Values should be in [0, 1]. Endpoint thresholds equal to {-epsilon, 1+epsilon} for a small positive epsilon value will be automatically included with these to correctly handle predictions equal to exactly 0 or 1.
top_k (Optional) Used with a multi-class model to specify that the top-k values should be used to compute the confusion matrix. The net effect is that the non-top-k values are set to -inf and the matrix is then constructed from the average TP, FP, TN, FN across the classes. When top_k is used, metrics_specs.binarize settings must not be present. Only one of class_id or top_k should be configured. When top_k is set, the default thresholds are [float('-inf')].
class_id (Optional) Used with a multi-class model to specify which class to compute the confusion matrix for. When class_id is used, metrics_specs.binarize settings must not be present. Only one of class_id or top_k should be configured.

compute_confidence_interval Whether to compute confidence intervals for this metric.

Note that this may not completely remove the computational overhead involved in computing a given metric. This is only respected by the jackknife confidence interval method.



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Creates computations associated with metric.


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Returns serializable config.