
Performs beam search decoding on the logits given in input.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


A note about the attribute merge_repeated: For the beam search decoder, this means that if consecutive entries in a beam are the same, only the first of these is emitted. That is, when the top path is "A B B B B", "A B" is returned if merge_repeated = True but "A B B B B" is returned if merge_repeated = False.

inputs A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32, float64. 3-D, shape: (max_time x batch_size x num_classes), the logits.
sequence_length A Tensor of type int32. A vector containing sequence lengths, size (batch).
beam_width An int that is >= 1. A scalar >= 0 (beam search beam width).
top_paths An int that is >= 1. A scalar >= 0, <= beam_width (controls output size).
merge_repeated An optional bool. Defaults to True. If true, merge repeated classes in output.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A tuple of Tensor objects (decoded_indices, decoded_values, decoded_shape, log_probability).
decoded_indices A list of top_paths Tensor objects with type int64.
decoded_values A list of top_paths Tensor objects with type int64.
decoded_shape A list of top_paths Tensor objects with type int64.
log_probability A Tensor. Has the same type as inputs.