
output = cond ? then_branch(input) : else_branch(input)

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


cond A Tensor. A Tensor. If the tensor is a scalar of non-boolean type, the scalar is converted to a boolean according to the following rule: if the scalar is a numerical value, non-zero means True and zero means False; if the scalar is a string, non-empty means True and empty means False. If the tensor is not a scalar, being empty means False and being non-empty means True.
input A list of Tensor objects. A list of input tensors.
Tout A list of tf.DTypes. A list of output types.
then_branch A function decorated with @Defun. A function that takes 'inputs' and returns a list of tensors, whose types are the same as what else_branch returns.
else_branch A function decorated with @Defun. A function that takes 'inputs' and returns a list of tensors, whose types are the same as what then_branch returns.
output_shapes An optional list of shapes (each a tf.TensorShape or list of ints). Defaults to [].
name A name for the operation (optional).

A list of Tensor objects of type Tout.