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In this notebook, we will load the pre-trained wav2vec2 model from TFHub and will fine-tune it on LibriSpeech dataset by appending Language Modeling head (LM) over the top of our pre-trained model. The underlying task is to build a model for Automatic Speech Recognition i.e. given some speech, the model should be able to transcribe it into text.
Setting Up
Before running this notebook, please ensure that you are on GPU runtime (Runtime
> Change runtime type
). The following cell will install gsoc-wav2vec2
package & its dependencies.
pip3 install -q git+https://github.com/vasudevgupta7/gsoc-wav2vec2@main
sudo apt-get install -y libsndfile1-dev
pip3 install -q SoundFile
Model setup using TFHub
We will start by importing some libraries/modules.
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
from wav2vec2 import Wav2Vec2Config
config = Wav2Vec2Config()
print("TF version:", tf.__version__)
First, we will download our model from TFHub & will wrap our model signature with hub.KerasLayer
to be able to use this model like any other Keras layer. Fortunately, hub.KerasLayer
can do both in just 1 line.
pretrained_layer = hub.KerasLayer("https://tfhub.dev/vasudevgupta7/wav2vec2/1", trainable=True)
You can refer to this script in case you are interested in the model exporting script. Object pretrained_layer
is the freezed version of Wav2Vec2Model
. These pre-trained weights were converted from HuggingFace PyTorch pre-trained weights using this script.
Originally, wav2vec2 was pre-trained with a masked language modelling approach with the objective to identify the true quantized latent speech representation for a masked time step. You can read more about the training objective in the paper- wav2vec 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations.
Now, we will be defining a few constants and hyper-parameters which will be useful in the next few cells. AUDIO_MAXLEN
is intentionally set to 246000
as the model signature only accepts static sequence length of 246000
In the following cell, we will wrap pretrained_layer
& a dense layer (LM head) with the Keras's Functional API.
inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(AUDIO_MAXLEN,))
hidden_states = pretrained_layer(inputs)
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(config.vocab_size)(hidden_states)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
The dense layer (defined above) is having an output dimension of vocab_size
as we want to predict probabilities of each token in the vocabulary at each time step.
Setting up training state
In TensorFlow, model weights are built only when model.call
or model.build
is called for the first time, so the following cell will build the model weights for us. Further, we will be running model.summary()
to check the total number of trainable parameters.
model(tf.random.uniform(shape=(BATCH_SIZE, AUDIO_MAXLEN)))
Now, we need to define the loss_fn
and optimizer to be able to train the model. The following cell will do that for us. We will be using the Adam
optimizer for simplicity. CTCLoss
is a common loss type that is used for tasks (like ASR
) where input sub-parts can't be easily aligned with output sub-parts. You can read more about CTC-loss from this amazing blog post.
(from gsoc-wav2vec2
package) accepts 3 arguments: config
, model_input_shape
& division_factor
. If division_factor=1
, then loss will simply get summed, so pass division_factor
accordingly to get mean over batch.
from wav2vec2 import CTCLoss
loss_fn = CTCLoss(config, (BATCH_SIZE, AUDIO_MAXLEN), division_factor=BATCH_SIZE)
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(LEARNING_RATE)
Loading & Pre-processing data
Let's now download the LibriSpeech dataset from the official website and set it up.
wget https://www.openslr.org/resources/12/dev-clean.tar.gz -P ./data/train/
tar -xf ./data/train/dev-clean.tar.gz -C ./data/train/
ls ./data/train/
Our dataset lies in the LibriSpeech directory. Let's explore these files.
data_dir = "./data/train/LibriSpeech/dev-clean/2428/83705/"
all_files = os.listdir(data_dir)
flac_files = [f for f in all_files if f.endswith(".flac")]
txt_files = [f for f in all_files if f.endswith(".txt")]
print("Transcription files:", txt_files, "\nSound files:", flac_files)
Alright, so each sub-directory has many .flac
files and a .txt
file. The .txt
file contains text transcriptions for all the speech samples (i.e. .flac
files) present in that sub-directory.
We can load this text data as follows:
def read_txt_file(f):
with open(f, "r") as f:
samples = f.read().split("\n")
samples = {s.split()[0]: " ".join(s.split()[1:]) for s in samples if len(s.split()) > 2}
return samples
Similarly, we will define a function for loading a speech sample from a .flac
is set to 16000
as wav2vec2 was pre-trained with 16K
frequency and it's recommended to fine-tune it without any major change in data distribution due to frequency.
import soundfile as sf
def read_flac_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
audio, sample_rate = sf.read(f)
if sample_rate != REQUIRED_SAMPLE_RATE:
raise ValueError(
f"sample rate (={sample_rate}) of your files must be {REQUIRED_SAMPLE_RATE}"
file_id = os.path.split(file_path)[-1][:-len(".flac")]
return {file_id: audio}
Now, we will pick some random samples & will try to visualize them.
from IPython.display import Audio
import random
file_id = random.choice([f[:-len(".flac")] for f in flac_files])
flac_file_path, txt_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, f"{file_id}.flac"), os.path.join(data_dir, "2428-83705.trans.txt")
print("Text Transcription:", read_txt_file(txt_file_path)[file_id], "\nAudio:")
Now, we will combine all the speech & text samples and will define the function (in next cell) for that purpose.
def fetch_sound_text_mapping(data_dir):
all_files = os.listdir(data_dir)
flac_files = [os.path.join(data_dir, f) for f in all_files if f.endswith(".flac")]
txt_files = [os.path.join(data_dir, f) for f in all_files if f.endswith(".txt")]
txt_samples = {}
for f in txt_files:
speech_samples = {}
for f in flac_files:
assert len(txt_samples) == len(speech_samples)
samples = [(speech_samples[file_id], txt_samples[file_id]) for file_id in speech_samples.keys() if len(speech_samples[file_id]) < AUDIO_MAXLEN]
return samples
It's time to have a look at a few samples ...
samples = fetch_sound_text_mapping(data_dir)
Let's pre-process the data now !!!
We will first define the tokenizer & processor using gsoc-wav2vec2
package. Then, we will do very simple pre-processing. processor
will normalize raw speech w.r.to frames axis and tokenizer
will convert our model outputs into the string (using the defined vocabulary) & will take care of the removal of special tokens (depending on your tokenizer configuration).
from wav2vec2 import Wav2Vec2Processor
tokenizer = Wav2Vec2Processor(is_tokenizer=True)
processor = Wav2Vec2Processor(is_tokenizer=False)
def preprocess_text(text):
label = tokenizer(text)
return tf.constant(label, dtype=tf.int32)
def preprocess_speech(audio):
audio = tf.constant(audio, dtype=tf.float32)
return processor(tf.transpose(audio))
Now, we will define the python generator to call the preprocessing functions we defined in above cells.
def inputs_generator():
for speech, text in samples:
yield preprocess_speech(speech), preprocess_text(text)
Setting up tf.data.Dataset
Following cell will setup tf.data.Dataset
object using its .from_generator(...)
method. We will be using the generator
object, we defined in the above cell.
You can refer to this script for more details on how to convert LibriSpeech data into tfrecords.
output_signature = (
tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None), dtype=tf.float32),
tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None), dtype=tf.int32),
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(inputs_generator, output_signature=output_signature)
BUFFER_SIZE = len(flac_files)
SEED = 42
dataset = dataset.shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE, seed=SEED)
We will pass the dataset into multiple batches, so let's prepare batches in the following cell. Now, all the sequences in a batch should be padded to a constant length. We will use the.padded_batch(...)
method for that purpose.
dataset = dataset.padded_batch(BATCH_SIZE, padded_shapes=(AUDIO_MAXLEN, LABEL_MAXLEN), padding_values=(0.0, 0))
Accelerators (like GPUs/TPUs) are very fast and often data-loading (& pre-processing) becomes the bottleneck during training as the data-loading part happens on CPUs. This can increase the training time significantly especially when there is a lot of online pre-processing involved or data is streamed online from GCS buckets. To handle those issues, tf.data.Dataset
offers the .prefetch(...)
method. This method helps in preparing the next few batches in parallel (on CPUs) while the model is making predictions (on GPUs/TPUs) on the current batch.
dataset = dataset.prefetch(tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
Since this notebook is made for demonstration purposes, we will be taking first num_train_batches
and will perform training over only that. You are encouraged to train on the whole dataset though. Similarly, we will evaluate only num_val_batches
num_train_batches = 10
num_val_batches = 4
train_dataset = dataset.take(num_train_batches)
val_dataset = dataset.skip(num_train_batches).take(num_val_batches)
Model training
For training our model, we will be directly calling .fit(...)
method after compiling our model with .compile(...)
model.compile(optimizer, loss=loss_fn)
The above cell will set up our training state. Now we can initiate training with the .fit(...)
history = model.fit(train_dataset, validation_data=val_dataset, epochs=3)
Let's save our model with .save(...)
method to be able to perform inference later. You can also export this SavedModel to TFHub by following TFHub documentation.
save_dir = "finetuned-wav2vec2"
model.save(save_dir, include_optimizer=False)
Now we will be computing Word Error Rate over the validation dataset
Word error rate (WER) is a common metric for measuring the performance of an automatic speech recognition system. The WER is derived from the Levenshtein distance, working at the word level. Word error rate can then be computed as: WER = (S + D + I) / N = (S + D + I) / (S + D + C) where S is the number of substitutions, D is the number of deletions, I is the number of insertions, C is the number of correct words, N is the number of words in the reference (N=S+D+C). This value indicates the percentage of words that were incorrectly predicted.
You can refer to this paper to learn more about WER.
We will use load_metric(...)
function from HuggingFace datasets library. Let's first install the datasets
library using pip
and then define the metric
!pip3 install -q datasets
from datasets import load_metric
metric = load_metric("wer")
def eval_fwd(batch):
logits = model(batch, training=False)
return tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)
It's time to run the evaluation on validation data now.
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
for speech, labels in tqdm(val_dataset, total=num_val_batches):
predictions = eval_fwd(speech)
predictions = [tokenizer.decode(pred) for pred in predictions.numpy().tolist()]
references = [tokenizer.decode(label, group_tokens=False) for label in labels.numpy().tolist()]
metric.add_batch(references=references, predictions=predictions)
We are using the tokenizer.decode(...)
method for decoding our predictions and labels back into the text and will add them to the metric for WER
computation later.
Now, let's calculate the metric value in following cell:
Now that we are satisfied with the training process & have saved the model in save_dir
, we will see how this model can be used for inference.
First, we will load our model using tf.keras.models.load_model(...)
finetuned_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(save_dir)
Let's download some speech samples for performing inference. You can replace the following sample with your speech sample also.
wget https://github.com/vasudevgupta7/gsoc-wav2vec2/raw/main/data/SA2.wav
Now, we will read the speech sample using soundfile.read(...)
and pad it to AUDIO_MAXLEN
to satisfy the model signature. Then we will normalize that speech sample using the Wav2Vec2Processor
instance & will feed it into the model.
import numpy as np
speech, _ = sf.read("SA2.wav")
speech = np.pad(speech, (0, AUDIO_MAXLEN - len(speech)))
speech = tf.expand_dims(processor(tf.constant(speech)), 0)
outputs = finetuned_model(speech)
Let's decode numbers back into text sequence using the Wav2Vec2tokenizer
instance, we defined above.
predictions = tf.argmax(outputs, axis=-1)
predictions = [tokenizer.decode(pred) for pred in predictions.numpy().tolist()]
This prediction is quite random as the model was never trained on large data in this notebook (as this notebook is not meant for doing complete training). You will get good predictions if you train this model on complete LibriSpeech dataset.
Finally, we have reached an end to this notebook. But it's not an end of learning TensorFlow for speech-related tasks, this repository contains some more amazing tutorials. In case you encountered any bug in this notebook, please create an issue here.