Parse function to convert tf.train.Example to feature maps.

serialized (tf.train.Example) A serialized proto object containing context and example features.
context_feature_spec (dict) A mapping from feature keys to FixedLenFeature, VarLenFeature or RaggedFeature values for context in tf.train.Example proto.
example_feature_spec (dict) A mapping from feature keys to FixedLenFeature, VarLenFeature or RaggedFeature values for examples in tf.train.Example proto.
size_feature_name (str) Name of feature for example list sizes. Populates the feature dictionary with a tf.int32 Tensor of shape [batch_size] for this feature name. If None, which is default, this feature is not generated.
mask_feature_name (str) Name of feature for example list masks. Populates the feature dictionary with a tf.bool Tensor of shape [batch_size, list_size] for this feature name. If None, which is default, this feature is not generated.

A mapping from feature keys to Tensor, SparseTensor or RaggedTensor.