
Box related ops.


bbox2mask(...): Converts bounding boxes to bitmasks.

bbox_generalized_overlap(...): Calculates the GIOU between proposal and ground truth boxes.

bbox_intersection_over_area(...): Calculates IoAs (intersection over area) between proposal and ground truth boxes.

bbox_overlap(...): Calculates the overlap between proposal and ground truth boxes.

box_matching(...): Matches boxes to groundtruth boxes.

clip_boxes(...): Clips boxes to image boundaries.

compute_outer_boxes(...): Computes outer box encloses an object with a margin.

cycxhw_to_yxyx(...): Converts box center coordinates plus height and width terms to corner.

decode_boxes(...): Decodes boxes.

denormalize_boxes(...): Converts boxes normalized by [height, width] to pixel coordinates.

encode_boxes(...): Encodes boxes to targets.

filter_boxes(...): Filters and remove boxes that are too small or fall outside the image.

filter_boxes_by_scores(...): Filters and remove boxes whose scores are smaller than the threshold.

gather_instances(...): Gathers instances by indices.

get_non_empty_box_indices(...): Gets indices for non-empty boxes.

horizontal_flip_boxes(...): Flips normalized boxes horizontally.

jitter_boxes(...): Jitters the box coordinates by some noise distribution.

normalize_boxes(...): Converts boxes to the normalized coordinates.

top_k_boxes(...): Sorts and select top k boxes according to the scores.

vertical_flip_boxes(...): Flips normalized boxes vertically.

yxyx_to_cycxhw(...): Converts box corner coordinates to center plus height and width terms.

yxyx_to_xywh(...): Converts boxes from ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax to xmin, ymin, width, height.

BBOX_XFORM_CLIP 4.135166556742356