
public static class Conv.Options

Optional attributes for Conv

Public Methods

batchDims(Long batchDims)
dataFormat(String dataFormat)
dilations(List<Long> dilations)
explicitPaddings(List<Long> explicitPaddings)
groups(Long groups)

Inherited Methods

Public Methods

public Conv.Options batchDims (Long batchDims)

batchDims A positive integer specifying the number of batch dimensions for the input tensor. Should be less than the rank of the input tensor.

public Conv.Options dataFormat (String dataFormat)

dataFormat Used to set the data format. By default `CHANNELS_FIRST`, uses `NHWC (2D) / NDHWC (3D)` or if `CHANNELS_LAST`, uses `NCHW (2D) / NCDHW (3D)`.

public Conv.Options dilations (List<Long> dilations)

dilations 1-D tensor of length `N+2`. The dilation factor for each dimension of `input`. If set to `k > 1`, there will be `k-1` skipped cells between each filter element on that dimension. The dimension order is determined by the value of `channels_last_format`, see above for details. Dilations in the batch and depth dimensions must be 1.

public Conv.Options explicitPaddings (List<Long> explicitPaddings)

explicitPaddings If `padding` is `"EXPLICIT"`, the list of explicit padding amounts. For the ith dimension, the amount of padding inserted before and after the dimension is `explicit_paddings[2 * i]` and `explicit_paddings[2 * i + 1]`, respectively. If `padding` is not `"EXPLICIT"`, `explicit_paddings` must be empty.

public Conv.Options groups (Long groups)

groups A positive integer specifying the number of groups in which the input is split along the channel axis. Each group is convolved separately with `filters / groups` filters. The output is the concatenation of all the groups results along the channel axis. Input channels and filters must both be divisible by groups.