
public static interface Graph.WhileSubgraphBuilder

Used to instantiate an abstract class which overrides the buildSubgraph method to build a conditional or body subgraph for a while loop. After Java 8, this can alternatively be used to create a lambda for the same purpose.

To be used when calling whileLoop(Output[], org.tensorflow.Graph.WhileSubgraphBuilder, org.tensorflow.Graph.WhileSubgraphBuilder, String)

Example usage (prior to Java 8):

WhileSubgraphBuilder bodyGraphBuilder = new WhileSubgraphBuilder() { @Override public void buildSubgraph(Graph bodyGraph, Output<?>[] bodyInputs, Output<?>[] bodyOutputs) { // build body subgraph } };

Example usage (after Java 8):

WhileSubgraphBuilder bodyGraphBuilder = (bodyGraph, bodyInputs, bodyOutputs) -> { // build body subgraph };

Public Methods

abstract void
buildSubgraph(Graph g, Output[]<?> inputs, Output[]<?> outputs)
To be overridden by user with code to build conditional or body subgraph for a while loop

Public Methods

public abstract void buildSubgraph (Graph g, Output[]<?> inputs, Output[]<?> outputs)

To be overridden by user with code to build conditional or body subgraph for a while loop

g the subgraph
inputs subgraph inputs
outputs subgraph outputs